AcadeMedia AB (publ) is a Swedish public limited liability company operating under Swedish law. The Company’s corporate governance is based on the articles of association and internal rules and instructions.

Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee shall comprise one representative for each of the three largest shareholders based on ownership of the Company as per the end of the financial year’s third quarter as it appears in Euroclear’s ownership list and other reliable ownership information provided to the Company at this time. The chairman of the Board of Directors shall be a co-opted member (Sw. adjungerad). Should one of the three largest shareholders refrain from appointing a representative to the Nomination Committee, the right shall pass to the shareholder that, excluding these three shareholders, has the largest shareholding in the Company.

The chairman of the Board of Directors shall convene the Nomination Committee. The chairman of the Nomination Committee shall be the member representing the largest shareholder, unless the Nomination Committee unanimously appoints another member. Neither the chairman nor any other member of the Board of Directors of the Company may be the chairman of the nomination committee.

If an ownership change occurs after the end of the third quarter and no later than 31 of July, which determines that a shareholder that appointed a member of the Nomination Committee is no longer one of the three largest shareholders, the member appointed by such owner shall offer to leave the Nomination Committee and the shareholder that has become one of the three largest shareholders shall have the right to appoint a member of the Nomination Committee. In the event that a member leaves the Nomination Committee before its work is concluded, the shareholder who appointed the member shall appoint a new member. If this shareholder is no longer one of the three largest shareholders, a new member shall be appointed in accordance with the above procedure. Shareholders who have appointed a member of the Nomination Committee have the right to dismiss such member and appoint a new representative as a member of the Nomination Committee.

Changes in the Nomination Committee’s composition shall be announced immediately. The Nomination Committee’s term of office shall extend until a new Nomination Committee is appointed.